About us

At SAGROPOULOU & ASSOCIATES we continue for the seventh decade a tradition of a family-run law office. Established in Athens in 1955, the firm offers a full legal service across all practice areas, with a particular focus on commercial, corporate and civil law. Keeping abreast with an ever-transforming legal marketplace, our lawyers include experienced litigators as well as specialists in contract drafting. As a boutique law firm, we provide highly personalised advocacy and consulting service to our Greek and international clientele.

Areas Of Expertise

Intellectual and Industrial Property

Civil Law & Litigation

Commercial & Corporate Law

Negotiable Instruments & Credit Bonds-Enforcement


Real Estate Law

E-Commerce - Consumer & Data Protection

Areas Of Expertise

Commercial & Corporate Law

Real Estate Law


Civil Law & Litigation

Ηλεκτρονικό Εμπόριο - Προστασία Καταναλωτή
και Προσωπικών Δεδομένων

Negotiable Instruments & Credit Bonds-Enforcement

Intellectual and Industrial Property

Areas Of Expertise

Commercial & Corporate Law

Civil Law & Litigation

Negotiable Instruments & Credit Bonds-Enforcement

Intellectual and Industrial Property

E-Commerce - Consumer & Data Protection

Real Estate Law




+30 210-3632230




7 Ippokratous st. , 106 79 Athens